Sunday, 21 July 2024

Olympus OM-10 Test Film

Embracing imperfection. 

At the beginning of this year (2024) I got given a Olympus OM-10 35mm camera, along with some filters and other bits. Which I am very great-full for. However there was a chance that the camera did not work. 
So I  put battery's in it, which came out of my working OM-10 and grabbed a 24 exposure Kodak Gold and shot the film on my why in to work.
And unforchantly the camera did  not work. The advance leaver would jam and the shut would not compleat its movement, but I persevered and finished the film. 
I wasn't expecting anything great, apart from a load of blurry over exposed frames, so I was pleasantly surprised to get at least half a roll of photos.
Even though most of them are a little blurry and over exposed, there is something that about them that I like.

Abandoned Train Bridge

Regents Canal.

Regents Canal II. 

Side Street Art.

Doc Martins Painting

Boarded Up And Abandoned Apartments.

Boarded Up Apartment Art.

School Wall Art.

Art On School Gates.

Boarded Up Apartment Building Art

Cross Roads Under Abandoned  Bridge.

This is the best photo there is and currently one of my favourite photos I’ve taken.  

My Desk Full Of Plants.

I have taken the camera to a couple of place to see if I could get it fixed, one place said it was the battery's and another wanted £300+ to fix it. So for now its sitting in my book case looking pretty.

Find more of my photos over at instagram: @ALostPhotoBook.

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