Friday, 6 August 2021

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Empty Chairs.

I was trying to capture some strong shadows with these two. the first one sought of worked the second one not so much. I like the shadows that the wicker chair is casting on to the wall from the arm of the chair. wish I had noticed this more before taking the shot, as I wound have played with the position of the chair.

I did turn both of these photos in to black and white images - they are at the bottom for the post, hoping that it would make me like them more, but there is still something note wright.
(At some point I will have to download Photoshop or light room so I can edit photos better.)
Both of these photos were taken on the Sunday 22nd of March 2020, the before the country was placed in lockdown due to Covid-19.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: Fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

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