Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Kodak Retinette 1A Film 001: The Island Queen

This I took this on the first roll of film in My Retinette 1A.
If I remember right the whole film was set at F/stop 8. The contrast in the images from this film is quite high.  Till this day Ilford FP4 125asa is my favourite film.
Camera: Retinette 1A
Film: Ilford FP4 
Development: Black and White
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: September 2016

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Camden Street Art

Sunday 22nd March 2020

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Agfa Silette Pronto FIlm 005: Street art and Bikes

Camera: Agfa Silette Pronto
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 300 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Shops At Finsbury Park.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: Sunday 23rd March 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

Agfa Silette Pronto, Film 005: Neon Lights on Berwick Street.

Camera: Agfa Silette Pronto
Film: Kodak Gold 200
ASA/ISO: 200 Set at 300ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date: Film Taken January 13th 2020