Friday, 7 August 2020

Holga. Film 001

It kinda went wrong!

This was my first film in my Holga 120mm camera. And it was a bit of a disaster.... Well not that much of a disaster as I did manage to get make out 6 of the 12 pictures when scanned, how ever I then ended up putting hem in to photoshop and used the healing tool a lot to clean them up.
The film is a Ilford Delta 100, on the cloudy setting which is F/8. 
And I shoot it a around 9am in Camden. It was a bright day but not bright enough for the Delta 100. a later that day I shot a Ilford XP2 400 (film 2) which came out a lot better.

Camera: Holga 120

Film Mask Size: 6 x 4.5cm

Film: Ilford Delta 100


Development: True Black & White. 9 min in Rodania 1:25 mix

Editing: Quite a lot

Date:  December 14h 2019

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Holga Film 002 Kilburn.

Camera: Holga 120mm

Film: Ilford XP2 400

ASA/ISO: 400

Development: C-41

Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

DATE: December 14th 2020

Monday, 20 July 2020

Holga Film 002: Regents Canal, Camden.

My Favourite photo out of the film, and these three is the second one, of the 'Hampstead Road, Lock' sign. its nicely centred and pretty straight. ( which I have found a little tricky with this Camera.) 

Not one of the best images. the lens compared to the view finder picked up more of the bridge wall then I hoped for.

Camera: Holga 120mm

Film: Ilford XP2 400

ASA/ISO: 400

Development: C-41

Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

DATE: December 14th 2020

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Holga Film 002: Camden In Black & White

Snap shots of Camden in December 2019, considering it was pretty busy I only court one person in the photos.

Camera: Holga 120mm

Film: Ilford XP2 400

ASA/ISO: 400

Development: C-41

Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

DATE: December 14th 2020

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Holga Film 002: Bikes.

My second film in my Holga 120mm Camera. I used the 6x4.5cm film mask this would normally give you 16 shorts how ever the frame number marker on the back dose not move, so I can only shot 12 frames which I don't mind.



Camera: Holga 120mm

Film: Ilford XP2 400

ASA/ISO: 400

Development: C-41

Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

DATE: December 14th 2020

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Kodak Retinette 1A Film 001: The Island Queen

This I took this on the first roll of film in My Retinette 1A.
If I remember right the whole film was set at F/stop 8. The contrast in the images from this film is quite high.  Till this day Ilford FP4 125asa is my favourite film.
Camera: Retinette 1A
Film: Ilford FP4 
Development: Black and White
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: September 2016

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Camden Street Art

Sunday 22nd March 2020

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Agfa Silette Pronto FIlm 005: Street art and Bikes

Camera: Agfa Silette Pronto
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 300 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Shops At Finsbury Park.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: Sunday 23rd March 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

Agfa Silette Pronto, Film 005: Neon Lights on Berwick Street.

Camera: Agfa Silette Pronto
Film: Kodak Gold 200
ASA/ISO: 200 Set at 300ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date: Film Taken January 13th 2020

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Bolsey Jubillee Film 005: Camden Shops

Sunday March 22nd 2020
Day Before The UK went in to Quarantine. 

I think that this was the only shop open on Camden High street between Camden Underground station and the cannel.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Island Queen 2018: ilford Advocate Film 003

Camera: Ilford Advcate
Film: Ilford HP5
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200ASA/ISO
Development: Black And White
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: April 2018

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Gillespie Park 2018: Ilford Advcate Film 003

I Brought this film and 2 other rolls of HP5 off of Amazon. The only thing with buying film on line that is stocked by Amazon you risk the chance of the film not being stored well, which can result in the film losing quality. 
With colour film the emulsion can shift resulting in the colour shifting and the emulsion lifting from the film, which it did on some of the frame on his film. On the bottom one you can see white spots in the sky.

Camera: Ilford Advcate
Film: Ilford HP5 400
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: Black and White
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
DATE: April 2018

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Glass; Bolsey Film 005

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Monday, 6 April 2020

Hampstead in Black and White: Olympus Trip film 020

Camera: Olympus trip 35
ASA/ISO: 400
Development: Rodnal 1:25 mix for 8min
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Saturday 29th October 2019

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Spring Blossom: Bolsey Film 005.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Camden High Street: Bolsey Film 005.

Taken on Sunday March 22nd 2020 at around 10am, while heading in to work. The day before England was told that non essential shops should close to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, Coronavirus.
It almost felt as if it was 8am on a week day, the only difference was the small food shops that sell take-away coffee and breakfast to the traders were closed.  The market closed up, pubs had boarded up their window and doors, and pretty much every clothing/tourist gift shop had already and shut up days before.
A very strange feeling being on this high street that is normal heavy with traffic, both human and vehicles.

Camera: Bolsey Jubillee
Film: fujifilm Superia 400 X-Tra
ASA/ISO: 400 Set at 200 ASA/ISO
Development: C-41
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Date Taken: Film shot on Sunday 22nd March 2020

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Black Heart, Camden: Olympus Trip film 020.

Camera: Olympus trip 35
Film: Ilford Delta 400
ASA/ISO: 400
Development: Rodnal 1:25 mix for 8min
Editing: None (unless noted below image.)
Film 20