Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Tower Of London 2014: Olympus Trip Film 001.

Taken using Lomography colour negative, 400 ISO. In My mums Olympus Trip 35.
If I remember correctly this was my 35mm film I used.
I love how it has picked up reds, they are so vibrant

Friday, 15 March 2019

Venice 2015: Olympus trip Film 003

These were taken in February 2015 at the maket in San Polo, Venice. I used an Olympus Trip 35, with Kodak colour plus 200asa (iso).
I love the colour on these photos, despite the focus not being that good on
some of them - Image 1, 2 and 8
My favourite ones are images 3, 4, 5 and 7.

Image 1.
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8

Thursday, 14 March 2019

About Me

Professional, Amateur, Photographer.

I think thats the best way to describe my photography level and talent. 
I have always enjoyed taking photos when I was younger. As I got older I stopped and for a while the only photos that I took were at work of the displays and windows that I created or ones that inspired me.

Then by chance I found an old Polaroid 600, and I started shooting. 
The only down side to using Polaroid is the cost, £18 for 8 photos is a pricey hobby.

So I turned to my mum and asked if I could borrow her Olympus Trip 35, And the  journey began.

I now have a stash of colour and black and white film in the fridge (two of which are out of date).

I manly do street photography, and nature, but it is mostly just me taking photos of what I think might work. 

I do get a little anxious and self conscious when I'm out taking photos. Which I think can be seen in some of them, looking back at them now. 

Like all hobbys and skills they develop over time and practice which I can see but not as much as I hoped to see. 

I restarted using 35mm film back in 2015, its only been four years and it is not as though I'm taking photos ever day, so my improved skills don't show as much. 

I have decide to start sharing some of my photos here with the world it will be a mix of my 35mm photos, digital, and polaroid.

Please be gentle with your comments and enjoy. xx